Gracias por visitar 10a Expociruelas Secas 2023


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Thank you for visiting 9ª Expociruelas Secas 2023

Access to this site is free of charge and is only conditional upon acceptance of and compliance with these Terms and Conditions of Use. Entry to, or registration on, this site grants the person the character of user and implies acceptance of the use of the information at the time of user registration. This acceptance will be understood as granted from the moment the User uses and/or registers on the site. If the User does not agree with these Terms and Conditions of Use, he/she should refrain from entering, using and/or registering on this site.  On the other hand, if he/she accepts to register, he/she authorizes that his/her data may be used as commercial information by the organizer.  The User accepts that the use of this site is free and voluntary, and that such use and its consequences are the exclusive responsibility of the User.

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The User agrees that his/her image, voice and name may be used in a public manner for any press release, promotional coverage, or other publications related to the Site, without demanding any sum of money for image, voice or name rights, or any other type of rights. By this means, the User gives the rights of image in permanent form in favor of 10 Expociruelas Secas and Chileprunes.